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Australian small businesses could be stretched by changes to commercial credit cards

  • Posted by Duografik
  • On September 3, 2016
Small to medium enterprises (SME) are increasingly relying on commercial credit cards to finance their operations, because payment terms for the businesses they supply are stretching out. But if the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) goes ahead with plans to include commercial cards in the new caps on interchange fees, SMEs will be even more hard pressed […]
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Disrupted businesses are struggling in the valley of death

  • Posted by Duografik
  • On September 1, 2016
Corporate leaders are facing the same valley of death faced by many startups, judging by the latest round of financial results. These large Australian businesses are operating in markets disrupted by new technology and changing business models. For entrepreneurs, bridging the gap between negative cash flow of the development of a new product or service […]
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