
Scott Maiden

  • Posted by simon-perrin
  • On January 23, 2019

“We really needed AddCash when the Brisbane floods hit. They’ve been excellent.”

“We do import/export, treatment and transport of fruit and veg. AddCash were recommended to us, so we contacted them, and we’ve been with them since 2010. We don’t need as much funding now as we used to, but we really needed them when the Brisbane floods hit.

We had a shed at Rocklea and a second shed at Northgate because we were just about to move. But then the floods went through at Rocklea. I guess it was lucky we had two sheds at the time, but it did mean we had to pay double rent. All the other customers lost a lot of money, they were low on funds, it all really affected our cashflow.

AddCash — they’ve been excellent. We just use their online system. It’s really easy. And if you go online in the morning and request funds, the money’s usually there in the afternoon.”