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Six Signs you could use AddCash Customer Invoice Finance

  • Posted by Duografik
  • On July 10, 2019
Not being in control of your business’ finance can be a frightening thought. Working on credit, trying to meet payroll and tax commitments plus trying to invest back into the business to grow, creates an uncomfortable situation. AddCash Finance creates a faster alternative for borrowing money by allowing businesses to access up to 80% of […]
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Are overdrafts and credit cards the right funding tool?

  • Posted by Duografik
  • On June 22, 2019
Over the past two or more years the biggest challenge for small to medium businesses is getting enough cash to effectively run the business. It’s not uncommon for a profitable business to have cashflow problems, and this is especially true when new growth and sales opportunities come up. There is a growing trend for extended […]
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How does Customer Invoice Finance differ to a Bank Overdraft?

  • Posted by Duografik
  • On May 21, 2019
Customer invoice finance and bank overdrafts both provide cash to help businesses fund their day to day operating expenses, however there are some major differences. Here is an explanation on how they vary to help you decide what is best for you. 1. Avoid Property Security, Protect Your Assets and Build Personal Wealth Security is […]
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Debtor Finance, Invoice Finance, Factoring, Customer Invoice Finance, Cashflow Finance, Accounts Receivable Finance, and more: What is the difference?

  • Posted by Duografik
  • On May 17, 2019
Financing a business through its receivable invoices is not a new concept. In fact, its roots can be traced to over 4,000 years ago when the foundations were laid in Ancient Mesopotamia. This method was then commonly used across ancient Egypt and Greece, and then kept developing in Europe through the Middle Ages and Renaissance. […]
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